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technology nodejs galaxy 8+ by Simon Mayes (@msyea)

tl;dr I spent a long time establishing that OS and hardware doesn’t matter. It’s all about whether I can run my code and being productive. Luckily for me, my preferred tech stack runs pretty much consistently across most devices. I believe that Samsung Dex is the best option in the phone/desktop like environment category. Dex works pretty well but it’s hobbled by poor third-party software support and the fact you have to carry a giant puck-dock with you when a simple cable converter will do.

technology nodejs by Simon Mayes (@msyea)

Skip to “Now the meat of the post” if financial data doesn’t interest you.

I had a problem. I have been building a data analysis/visualisation app in Node/React for a client and have been sourcing my data from the undocumented/deprecated Yahoo Finance API. It turns out that (surprisingly) the undocumented/deprecated Yahoo Finance API doesn’t provide complete or consistent data for UK stocks (we’re interested in the fundamental and technical data points). So we had to find an alternative datasource, and boy was this hard.